My Treasure Trove of Resources

to Take a Big Next Step at Work and In Life as a Leader in Tech

Top Four Villains Leaders In Tech Face Every Day (And How to Reboot Your Superpowers for Maximum Leadership Impact!)

Rising, brilliant minds in virtually every type of tech are disappearing and no one knows who’s next. The culprits? Four of the most sinister, brazen villains lurking in our lives just waiting to bring down leaders in tech. Heroes — that would be you — need to activate their superpowers to defeat these villains.

In this “BAM-POW-WHAM!” resource, Lisa Duerre shares from her 25-year track record of helping executives in some of the top tech companies in the world identify and activate their superpowers. You’ll unmask the four villains haunting leaders in tech today, find the villains’ secret hiding spots in your life and company, and know which superpowers you can use to find peace and safety again.

The Wheel of Career Satisfaction: Work+Life Alignment That Doesn’t Drive You Crazy

Aligning work and life starts with being truly satisfied in your career, but where do you start? The Wheel of Career Satisfaction is a four-step assessment to find out where you currently are, where you’re headed, and where you could go next with your work and life.

No more guesswork, no deathbed regrets, no wondering what work and life could look like ‘if only I’d done ____’. That all changes with The Wheel of Career Satisfaction.

Self-Care In Tech: Because Silicon Valley Isn’t Exactly Known for Its Amazing Recovery Programs

Brace yourself: self-care and tech firms, especially ones in Silicon Valley, go together as well as ketchup and ice cream. The frenetic pace keeps people working every hour of the day, night, in-between, and yes, even those “I guess it’s morning again…” moments.

What if you knew exactly how to take care of yourself before burnout so you can be at your best and not hating how you feel, act, and think about yourself? That’s where Self-Care In Tech is your new friend. Get out of overwhelm and back to full energy in a matter of minutes.

Books I Keep Talking About

* This section uses affiliate links, which mean that if you use them to purchase anything, I’ll make a few pennies. Next time we grab coffee, it’s on me!

Media I Can’t Stop Sharing*

(*Besides the Video of the Screaming Goat)

How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek 

The Four Styles of Self Motivation with Gretchen Rubin

The Power of Vulnerability Brene Brown

Know your inner saboteurs: Shirzad Chamine



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